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- Safeguarding
Northern Star Academies Trust believes that a child (defined by law as anyone up to 18 yrs old) should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare and health of all children, and to keep them safe and free from harm. Safeguarding is a range of activities undertaken by everyone to hold the fundamental right of all stakeholders to feel SAFE within our community.
We are committed to promoting the safeguarding and welfare of our stakeholders. We expect everyone to share this commitment.
NSAT supports our academies in a number of ways:
- Fully adopting each revision of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and ‘Section 3 of the Early Years Framework’
- Ensuring that each academy follows the NSAT Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy in addition to Safeguarding School Specific Arrangements
- By undertaking internal/external reviews and audits. Making sure that each school is statutorily compliant, staff training and professional development is the best it can be
- Having a Safeguarding Governor on each local governing body
- Having a Trustee with special responsibility for leading safeguarding
- Providing supervision and support for our safeguarding colleagues
NSAT Safeguarding Team
Northern Star Academies Trust has a dedicated and experienced central safeguaridng team that supports each school’s designated safeguarding lead to ensure the safety and well-being of all students across the trust.
Gary Crompton - Head of Safeguarding
Jenn Plews - NSAT CEO
Louise Terzza - NSAT Safeguarding Trustee
Safeguarding strategy
SAT Safeguarding StrategyNSAT Safeguarding and Child Protection PolicyNSAT Model School Specific Arrangements
Everyone within our community and the wider community is responsible for safeguarding each other.
Whistleblowing Procedures
Any concerns about inappropriate conduct in school by members of staff or visitors must be taken to the Head of Academy or a member of the Safeguarding team immediately.
If you do not feel you can take your concern to the above people, please either:
- Contact the Chair of Governors via the school address or by email to: governance@nsat.org.uk
- Contact the Chief Executive Officer or the Chair of Trustees via NSAT Business Centre, Gargrave Road, Skipton, BD23 1QN, or by email to: governance@nsat.org.uk
Free, confidential advice about Whistleblowing can also be obtained from Protect: https://protect-advice.org.uk