Our strategy

We are coming towards the end of our current five year strategy for 2020 – 2025 and will soon be launching our new 2025-2030 strategy.


Our current five strategy is based around four key areas of activity:


People make the difference. We are a learning organisation supporting and connecting learning, teaching, leadership and governance 


To be deeply commited to providing inclusion and diversity in education, playing a leading role in practice and advocacy 
To enable NSAT's people to thrive as a dynamic and engaged team of professionals and ensure our workforce more closely reflect the diversity of the communities NSAT schools serve
To support all staff to play a part in building a more inclusive and diverse culture where they benefit from high quality professional development designed uniquely to support career progression and role satisfaction
To maximise partnerships and networks across and beyond the Trust to advance knowledge and skill sharing, contribute to national and international dialogue about education and further increase grant funded projects. Develop a Hub of exchange with peer institutions.
To grow the next generation of teachers by promoting Northern Lights SCITT as a Teacher Training 'centre of excellence'.
We are one learning community that educates children and young people in an inclusive, progressive and sustainable school improvement model which transforms their life chances


To provide children and young people with the highest standards of academic excellence from EYFS to Post 16
To deliver an innovative, green, comprehensive and progressive curriculum model in each school that develops robust learning skills, habits and competencies
To review what we teach and how we teach so that we close percieved inequalities and social fragmentation in our curriculum provision
To maintain regular and healthy engagement, communication and strong relationships with parents/carers and local communities and ensure that stakeholders feedback inform our positive development


Learning in inspiring places. We educate and look after NSAT children in a safe and secure, green and sustainable, personalised learning environment


To reduce our carbon consumption considerably and lead education sectorial thinking about how best to educate in a sustainable and green way
To make the use of education technology part of all that we do and close the digital divide between all groups of learners. Reliable and flexible information technology solutions will be in place.
To use digital thinking and solutions across the Trust partnership to provide a contemporary HR Infrastructure and provide the support that staff need to do their jobs effectively.
To develop the physical, digital, technical and environmental infrastructure to preserve NSAT school buildings, develop estates and expand access and inclusion across all estates.
To optimise space across all NSAT estates to support real-world learning, curriculum provision, care, guidance and support. 
We are a strong and resilient Trust partnership who influence by example and operate with a secure long term financial stability. Placing collaboration, partnership and sustainability above short term gains.


To increase Trust membership in a considered and strategic way, ensuring new academies share our ambitions and are closely aligned to the NSAT vision, missions and values. 
To promote a whole organisational approach to wellness and positive mental health in a safe, happy and healthy workplace
To be a steadfast, responsible and compliant organisation with appropriate systems, policies and procedures
To develop a business model with diversified income streams that allows us to be bold and innovative with the education we offer and how we serve our larger communities